Casinos with an F1 license may not offer lower virtual bets
According to article 2, first paragraph, 5° of the law of 7 May 1999, betting is defined as a game of chance in which each player places a bet. The result, profit or loss, does not depend on an action of the player himself, but on the occurrence of an uncertain event that happens without the influence of the players.
The Council of State clarified in a judgment of 19 September 2019 (no. 245,497) that the “uncertain event” must be a real event on which bets could be placed in Belgium before 2010. This means that bets on virtual events, such as virtual sports competitions, are not permitted under the law of 10 January 2010, since they were not available on the Belgian market before the introduction of that law.
Since it was not legally possible for F1 or F1+ license holders to organize virtual bets, the Gaming Commission does not expect that it will now explicitly prohibit this. However, the Commission is obliged to impose sanctions and carry out checks if it appears that such bets are offered anyway. The Commission cannot tacitly allow these virtual bets, and may certainly not grant a license to applicants who indicate in their documentation that they intend to exploit these bets, as in the case here.
In short, it is prohibited to offer virtual bets on the basis of an F1+ license. The Gaming Commission’s control service will actively monitor compliance with these rules.
It will therefore no longer be possible in Belgium to bet money on virtual bets offered by casinos with an F1 license
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