Play FastForward Poker now –Â Daily Legends & Bounty Hunter Poker Play FastForward poker now!
Just open the Poker software, go to the ‘FastForward’ tab and enjoy high speed entertainment. Read the “Game Layout” section for great tips on how to get the most out of FastForward.
 Bets are also offered on mobile devices at Casino
Both for tablets and your smartphone.
Daily Legends
Bwin gives you even more chances to win with our new series of tournaments,
Daily Legends!
Choose from a selection of exciting tournaments, giving players of all skill levels an equal chance.
Quality and authentic tournaments:
Limited Re-Entries: Players cannot re-buy unlimited to increase their chances of winning.
Limited late registration: you don’t have to worry about “value hunters”.
Daily Legends ends at a responsible time, so that you still have enough sleep after all the action.
Bounty Hunter
The Bounty Hunter tournaments are action packed with the potential to win hundreds or even thousands of dollars at any time! You receive a cash prize for every player you eliminate and the bounty on your head also increases making the final incredibly exciting as each hand is played for a lot of money.
Prefer to bet on a game of football? Don’t forget the Odds boost Token!